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How can I stay motivated when the world is coming down on me?

How can you be motivated to make music or do anything when you just got an eviction notice? You’re Indentity just got stolen? To top that off you lost your job? How is it possible to stay motivated? That is where I come in.

How Can you not be even more motivated than you were before? You want to live the best life that is possible to man right? Well what if i said you can have what it that you want with just a simple decision that you would acheive and get what you want? It’s true.

The only thing stopping you from reaching success is yourself. Again, THE ONLY THING STOPPING YOU FROM SUCCESS IS YOURSELF! How can anything or anybody else stop you? Its all in the mind.

Motivation is not magic nor can you just pop a pill and it happens. But it is something you can train your mind to do and then strap it down. So how can you sustain your motivation when the sky is caving in and you have a thunderstorm floating over you? Many people have great ways, but here are some step-by-step fundamentals I have found success with and so have many others.

1. Think of a goal and Visualize it happening.

If you have a goal to be on stage in Madison Square Garden rapping to a sell out show, Visualize it. Imitate how you want it to go with your mind and brain. Feel it. Think of the emotions you would get at the end of the show with the applause and everything. Visualize it down to the last minute of you putting your head down on a pillow that night.

2. List why you want to accomplish those goals.

Write it down somewhere and keep it somewhere that you will see every single day. Don’t type it because studies show that writing it connects the brain to your movement and you understand it and remember it better than just by slapping your fingers over a keyboard or trying to memorize it all.

3. Break down your target goal into smaller targets.

Tony Robbins, arguably the foremost motivational speaker and personal development coach, says: “A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. If you take on a project and try to do the whole thing all at once, you’re going to be overwhelmed.” When you break it down, work on one thing at a time until you have accomplished rapping on that stage or are living in your dream house or whatever it is you plan to do.

4. Be strategic but prepared to change course.

Thomas Edison has three quotes that all people should study up on. Ther were “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.” “The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Basically what it is saying is to keep on moving and you will find a way to succeed.

5. Get the help that you need to do it.

Marketing is a huge part to getting known in the music industry so if you don’t know much on marketing, find somebody who is good at it to help teach you. There is nothing in this world that can not be taught. Although many people believe that people are born with certain talents, anything can be taught with the right tools and skills.

6. Pre-determine how you will get past defeat.

Think about it today, if you somehow get depressed in the next few years, how will you get past it? What will you do to make sure that you don’t get depressed or in a situation that you do not want to be in?

It’s not Rocket Science
That’s just the MT-Killa Effect!

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